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Hollis Walker
Position: Opinion editor
Phone Number: (970), 375-4522

David Brooks: President Trump and the politics of ‘mean world’

I’ve been thinking about the two families we’ve encountered over the past weeks. The Biden family is emotionally open, rendered vulnerable by tragedy and driven by a powerful desi...

Sharon and Pat O'Toole: Like birds and fish? You should be hugging a cow

You don't hear this from former Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt or the usual suspects whose goal is to end many water diversions from the Colorado River, but it's true. Rural landscapes and...

Asta Bowen: Why are we in such a rush to go back to school?

As a longtime teacher who has heard every complaint under the sun about how horrible school is, how boring, arbitrary, irrelevant and unfair, I find myself somewhat taken aback by the fierce...

Bret Stephens: This Biden blunder alone could sink his chances

If Joe Biden isn’t careful, Donald Trump might have a new nickname for him: “Shutdown Joe” – after the former vice president’s biggest blunder in the campaign thus far. I’m referr...

Karen Kedrowski: Carrie Chapman Catt and the 19th Amendment

The Aug. 14 editorial in Carrie Chapman Catt was president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association from 1900-1904 and 1915-1920. She is the author of the “winning plan” that le...

Farhad Manjoo: How to Fix America: Spend. Spend. Spend.

As a respite from a spring spent under quarantine, my family booked a weeklong vacation last month in a cozy, remote house in the California desert. While the kids cannonballed in...

Tom Stritikus: Opening FLC has everything to do with values

Recently, a parent of an incoming first-year student asked me, “So, why is Fort Lewis College opening?” We never closed, I thought. While we operated virtually through the early m...

Ross Douthat: The ghost of contraception pioneer Margaret Sanger

Recently, Planned Parenthood of Greater New York announced that it would remove Margaret Sanger’s name from its Manhattan Health Center. The grounds were Sanger’s eugenic ideas and alliances...

Gary Paul Nabhan: The wall with Mexico will come tumbling down

Few walls last forever. Last winter, part of President Trump’s new border wall wavered toward collapse under the force of strong winds whipping through the twin cities of Calexico and Mexica...

Chase LaCroix: Our business advocates for social justice

When my wife, Jen, and I opened Durango Outdoor Exchange, we focused on providing access to adventure to people from all walks of life. To us, this meant offering quality outdoor gear and ap...

W.S. Robinson: Climbing walls in the West while sitting in a chair

Reclining in my favorite chair recently in vanishingly small Inez, Wyoming, I found myself close to tears. My wife, Maria, sat beside me to ask what was troubling me. ...

David Brooks: Nonconformity must have a future; we need it

Like other realms, American intellectual life has been marked by a series of exclusions. The oldest and vastest was the exclusion of people of color from the commanding institutio...